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Geography Foils Government of Eritrea

The Government of Eritrea, which has a long history of exhausting every bad idea before grudgingly accepting the good one, is on to its next bad idea: making peace with Ethiopia by bypassing the Ethiopia that borders it: Tigray Region.

But this time, geography is conspiring against it. Whether an Eritrean’s motivation is family reunion, trade or tourism, the part of Ethiopia he or she is most likely to visit is: Tigray. For similar reasons, the Ethiopian most likely to visit Eritrea is: Tigrayan.

Amazingly, this glaring and obvious fact seems to have totally surprised the Government of Eritrea. And, in its brooding state, it is expressing its dissatisfaction with this obvious fact of life by having the media it controls (Eri-TV, Dimtsi Hafash, Hadas Ertra, Eritrean Profile) barely cover or not cover at all events that show this very inconvenient fact.


1. The celebrations that accompanied the crossing of the Mereb bridge (connecting Adi Quala, Eritrea to Rama, Tigray) were barely covered.

2. The huge traffic jam created in Mekele from Eritreans visit Tigray State capital: not covered.

3. Eritreans reaction to visiting Mekele, Tigray: not covered.

4. Eritreans visits to Ahmed Alnegashi shrine in Negash, Tigray: barely covered.

Why? Because Tigrayans and Eritrean highlanders continue to remind the world they have the same heritage. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) continues to remind the world its revolution and that of Eritrea fought together, bled together to defeat the tyrannic Mengistu Hailemariam and his Derg from power. Because the TPLF, which we were told was done, buried deep under, continues to be in power and its constituents raising the Region’s flag, which is almost identical to the organization’s flag.

As is the custom with PFDJ, it will eventually do the right thing. But the custom with PFDJ is it first has to exhaust every bad idea.

This was the case with its decision to refuse to engage Ethiopia for 14 long years insisting on demarcation-before-dialogue AND NO LAND SWAPS  (AS EEBC allowed it to) when now, that’s exactly what it will do, as hinted by Ethiopian PM Abiye Ahmed.

This was the case with its dispute with Djibouti: everybody begged it to acknowledge its dispute with the country and seek mediation and preferably enter into direct dialog with it and now, 10 years later, it did just that.  

This was the case with Somalia: everybody told it to recognize the government that was the outcome of the Djibouti Peace Process of 2008. which it loudly rejected.  This was a year before it was sanctioned and now, ten years later, it is doing what it could have done then.

What the people know:it has had 27 uninterrupted years of making poor decisions and the results have been poor: one of the poorest countries in the world (bottom 10 in UNDP HDI), a country without constitution, with no people’s sovereignty (an autocracy), a land with no rule of law, no justice; a State which has exiled 14% of its population.  Even when it gets good results, it is the result of poor decision; thus attributable to factors completely outside its control, ie, luck.

In short, it needs help.  Help as in: shown the exit from position of power.  Unfortunately for the people of Eritrea, the Government is also so delusional it actually not only thinks it makes good decisions, but that consistently makes good decisions.   In fact, to hear its triumphant tone, it has been vindicated.  Or, as the president of the country often says, “we never make a mistake.”

For those of you who don’t want to wait for ten years to know what is happening between Eritreans and Tigrayans right now, here are some videos:

(1) Zalambesa border opening

(2) Rama border opening

(3) Eritreans at Negash, Tigray (For Ahmed Alnegash pilgrim)

(4) Traffic jam in Mekele, Tigray

(5) Ethiopians in Eritrea; Eritreans in Tigray

5 thoughts on “Geography Foils Government of Eritrea

  1. “As is the custom with PFDJ, it will EVENTUALLY do the RIGHT thing”. FINALLY, the days may be nearing when the main differences between off-position and pro-govt may be on the interpretation or need for adverbs like “eventually”.

  2. I don’t think you are that ignorant to assume Shabia and Isayas live in a vacuum. Eritreans political fortunes have been a result of stubborn resistance to outside pressure. If you are oblivious to the geopolitical maneuvering going on, you miss the position Isayas is now enjoying. Powers in the area are not courting Isayas because they finally found him to be a jolly guy. People like you assume the average Joe is stupid.

  3. So, we are now back to old ghedli camaraderie, huh? :)))))))))))))))))))

    Saay, I do think that this is a very bad political (or is it just sentimental?) calculation. First, you must never forget that Tigrai is what it is today ONLY because of the rest of Ethiopia. Cut it off from Ethiopia and it would fall like its biggest stele! Are you following where I am going with this? Afewerki is in a much better position than the mafia to woo Ethiopia! What does the mafia has to offer the rest of Ethiopia? Chaos? Then what?! :)))))))))))))))))

    It’s one thing to say that the mafia is not fully dead YET; however, to claim that it’s still in charge is like asking sheer emotions to find reason and then pull it towards you. :))))))))))) No need to get oneself worked up here because there is simply no reason in site. Saay, how could you not see it ….. the mafia is fighting with two goals in mind: keep its loot and stay out of prison!

    You might have been impressed by the mafia’s massive loot, too bad Afewerki has now direct access to God’s coffers by way of its rich arab friends. It’s only a matter of time before the Sudan abandons the mafia for the rich arabs ( why not, it’s not like the mafia can give it more Amhara land! :))))))))))))))) ), and that leaves the mafia with what exactly?

    No, Saay, it’s a really bad decision to side with the mafia. However, I appreciate that desperate times call for desperate actions. No hard feelings, really. But as for me, I am still 100% for the bloody mafia to be destroyed first! And it will be destroyed! With every passing day, the mafia is bound to get weaker and weaker ( remember that the mafia can only hide in the chaos it creates, it cannot feed off it!) because it cannot resupply itself.

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